Hobart Disabled Children Benefits Attorney
If your child is disabled, you may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a needs-based program; your family must have income and resources below a certain level to qualify. Social Security also designates five “domains” of difficulty, one or more of which must be in evidence for a child to qualify. The child must have trouble:
- Acquiring and using information
- Attending and completing tasks
- Interacting and relating with others
- Moving and manipulating objects
- Caring for himself or herself
Children’s SSI Benefits Qualifications Attorney
In order to qualify, your child must have a medical or psychological condition or combination of conditions that cause severe functional limitations, or will likely lead to death. The condition must have been in existence for an entire year, or be projected to last for an entire year.
These are some of the more common conditions qualifying children for SSI benefits:
Severe asthma Cerebral palsy Attention deficit disorder Premature infants Bipolar disorder Epilepsy Rheumatoid arthritis |
Down syndrome Scoliosis Muscular dystrophy Cognitive impairment Spinal disorder Blindness Growth impairments |
Hobart And Michigan City Children’s SSI Cases Lawyer
There are many more qualifying impairments, listed in Social Security’s “blue book” of serious children’s medical and mental conditions. But it is not necessary that your child’s impairment be listed in the blue book. Migraines, for instance, are not listed, but SSA does qualify children with serious migraine problems.
This information is just the tip of the iceberg. To learn more about your child’s eligibility for disability benefits, call us today at 219-945-9766, toll free 888-393-2475, to schedule a free consultation. Or write to Northwest Indiana disabled children’s benefits lawyer Joe Nugent using this online form.