Hobart Permanent Disability Lawyer
The biggest concern SSD and SSI applicants have is whether they qualify as disabled, and whether the Social Security Administration will take their application seriously.
In the eyes of the SSA, you are disabled if you meet three conditions:
- You are unable to do work you once could do.
- You are unable to adjust to doing other kinds of work.
- Your disability is lasting. (You must have had this condition for 12 months or expect it to last for 12 months. Or, you are expected to die from it.)
Joseph Nugent, Northwest Indiana Permanent Disability Attorney
There are a great many conditions that create disability. The SSA distinguishes between those that are physical and those that are mental. Here are some of the more common ones afflicting adults. The list of qualifying disabilities is much longer, and benefits can be awarded to conditions not in the “blue book” of listed conditions.
Physical Conditions Neck, shoulder and back injuries Lost vision and hearing Cancer AIDS and HIV Asthma Spina bifida Gastrointestinal problems Heart attacks and strokes COPD Multiple sclerosis Hip and knee replacements Foot injuries Epilepsy and seizures Rheumatoid arthritis |
Mental Conditions Depression Bipolar syndrome High anxiety Organic brain dysfunction Schizophrenia Autistic spectrum disorders Phobias and panic attacks Psychotic disorders Personality disorders Substance addiction disorders Affective disorders Mental retardation Memory problems ADD and ADHD |
While the SSA acknowledges these and other conditions, you must do more to qualify for benefits than be sick or injured. You must be able to present a case for benefits, including clear and persuasive medical documents, that make it hard for the SSA to say no. That’s where a skilled lawyer, experienced in the complexities of the SSD and SSI processes, is invaluable.
Note that the standards for disability are lower for people 50 or older. This is because SSA realizes that it is harder for older people to make career changes.
This is just scratching the surface of the complexities of Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income qualifications. For more information, and for guidance in your particular situation, call Joseph Nugent, Attorney at Law, in Hobart, at 219-945-9766, and schedule a free, informative consultation.